from the first day of winter birth, a ghastly veil has been in trail, begging to be nurtured into nuptials of another kind
a Korean monk once mentioned in a most discrete manner of the very same unearthly creatures creeping and craving about
be it simple cerebral epilogue with silk cord tracing an inevitable stimuli, scented and sensed
or dreams beyond an incomprehensible universe and delicate existence residing in the petals of a subconscious rainbow
regardless of all, imaginary, actuality, humanity, birth, life, death, pain, joy, sex, love; there is but one single unexplainable driven source
and within, fatigued, unsettled, unstrung; I surrender eternally to a nightly cradle rocking by soothing shadow who gracefully bathes me in the sun
~Emily Loren Moss Ferrell
started 04/01/2010 8:05 pm est
completed 04/02/2010 4:05 pm est
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