Friday, May 7, 2010


revolutions occur
when hearts are ripped
and hunger prevails
as we are continually
fed on platitudes and plates
diverted with cut flowers
placed in vases
on spectacular views

~Emily Loren Moss Ferrell

written 05/07/2010 3:11 pm est

Thursday, May 6, 2010


rising out of restrictions
a restricted seed up-roots
breaking through
creeping out
climbing about
a leg up-lifted

~Emily Loren Moss Ferrell

written 05/06/2010 5:04 pm est


woke up in sleepy sound
touched by smile
reminding me of laughter
unseen and unheard
felt through words

~Emily Loren Moss Ferrell
written in the 9:00 am realm on 05/06/2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


gently restrained
mixing in a centrifuge
force binds strongly
in longing for the scent
of effervesce
expressed in forests
comforting and covering
a cellular celebration
in singular layers of leaves
where I breathe and sleep
softly seeded in sediment

~Emily Loren Moss Ferrell

written 05/05/2010 at 9:45 am

Sunday, May 2, 2010

May Daze

in tall ship I ride, side by side
slaying all the monsters
winding through mazes
of bureaucratic bullshit

catching breath in fields of glory
individually we share a story
make love nakedly enjoying
each others outpouring

easily oppressed
hidden beneath niceties
of fancy hats and fountain pens
phony smiles a plenty

I sit and sail in artistic veil
expressing undercurrents
swirled with sensation
while others stand and sweat

~Emily Loren Moss Ferrell

written 05/02/2010 2:41 pm est

Saturday, May 1, 2010


woven in soft strands
stitched and snuggled
socks and mittens
are intricately worn
unspun with devotion

~Emily Loren Moss Ferrell

written 5/1/2010 at 10:23 am